4 research outputs found

    A method for checking the quality of geographic metadata based on ISO 19157

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    With recent advances in remote sensing, location-based services and other related technologies, the production of geospatial information has exponentially increased in the last decades. Furthermore, to facilitate discovery and efficient access to such information, spatial data infrastructures were promoted and standardized, with a consideration that metadata are essential to describing data and services. Standardization bodies such as the International Organization for Standardization have defined well-known metadata models such as ISO 19115. However, current metadata assets exhibit heterogeneous quality levels because they are created by different producers with different perspectives. To address quality-related concerns, several initiatives attempted to define a common framework and test the suitability of metadata through automatic controls. Nevertheless, these controls are focused on interoperability by testing the format of metadata and a set of controlled elements. In this paper, we propose a methodology of testing the quality of metadata by considering aspects other than interoperability. The proposal adapts ISO 19157 to the metadata case and has been applied to a corpus of the Spanish Spatial Data Infrastructure. The results demonstrate that our quality check helps determine different types of errors for all metadata elements and can be almost completely automated to enhance the significance of metadata

    An analysis of existing production frameworks for statistical and geographic information: Synergies, gaps and integration

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    The production of official statistical and geospatial data is often in the hands of highly specialized public agencies that have traditionally followed their own paths and established their own production frameworks. In this article, we present the main frameworks of these two areas and focus on the possibility and need to achieve a better integration between them through the interoperability of systems, processes, and data. The statistical area is well led and has well-defined frameworks. The geospatial area does not have clear leadership and the large number of standards establish a framework that is not always obvious. On the other hand, the lack of a general and common legal framework is also highlighted. Additionally, three examples are offered: the first is the application of the spatial data quality model to the case of statistical data, the second of the application of the statistical process model to the geospatial case, and the third is the use of linked geospatial and statistical data. These examples demonstrate the possibility of transferring experiences/advances from one area to another. In this way, we emphasize the conceptual proximity of these two areas, highlighting synergies, gaps, and potential integration. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    CPLin: una herramienta para el control posicional de la cartografía mediante elementos lineales

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    Current methods used in order to evaluate the positional accuracy are based on statistics techniques applied on point elements. However, there are proposals to achieve this assessment using linear elements. In this work, we assume this new point of view and present a computer tool called ¿CPLin¿. This tool allows dealing with the challenges that come with this change in methodology, in an automatic and transparent way, from GPS post-processing outputs up to the report of some positional accuracy indexes.Los métodos, al uso, de evaluación de la calidad posicional están basados en técnicas estadísticas aplicadas sobre elementos puntuales. Sin embargo, existen propuestas para realizar esta evaluación utilizando elementos lineales. En este trabajo se asume esta nueva perspectiva y se presenta la herramienta informática ¿CPLin¿. Esta herramienta permite afrontar los retos que supone este cambio metodológico, automatizando, de forma transparente, el proceso de control desde las salidas del postprocesado GPS hasta la obtención de diversos índices cuantitativos estimativos de la calidad posicional

    Bases computacionales para el desarrollo de herramientas de control posicional de la cartografía mediante elementos lineales

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    New technologies have allowed new ways for the positional control of cartographic products such the control by means of linear elements. This approach based on the linear geometry is actually more complex in execution, computation and management than classic one based on control points. This work presents the main steps (filtering, identification, selection, buffering and results) and the conceptual and computational basis for implementing a software tool devoted to support this new positional control methodology.Las nuevas tecnologías han permitido nuevas maneras de control posicional de los productos cartográficos, como es el uso de elementos lineales. Este enfoque basado en la geometría lineal es realmente más complejo en su ejecución, cálculo y gestión que el proceso clásico basado en puntos de control. En este trabajo se presentan las fases principales (filtrado, identificación, selección, etc.) y las bases computacionales necesarias para implementar en un software una herramienta orientada a dar soporte a esta nueva metodología de control